Restaurant Etiquette

Restaurant Etiquette

WoofBeach Palms – Restaurant Etiquette – 716 West State Street – Geneva – Call 630-389-9610

If you enjoy bringing your canine companion along with you to pet-friendly restaurants, it’s important that he or she practices good manners. At WoofBeach Palms, we offer restaurant etiquette class that will train your pup to behave pleasantly when you dine out together!

Naturally, it’s important for dogs to remain obedient, avoid barking and stay out of walkway areas while in a restaurant, which is why they’ll need to master standard commands such as “sit” “down” and “stay”. In addition, your dog will learn effective impulse control so as to avoid temptation if food accidentally falls from your table.

Restaurant etiquette training is enjoyable for both pet and owner alike, and it can be beneficial for dogs of practically any age or breed. To learn more about the class and if it’s right for your pup, call or stop in to see us at WoofBeach Palms in Geneva!

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