Conformation Classes

Conformation Classes

WoofBeach Palms – Conformation Classes – 716 West State Street – Geneva – Call 630-389-9610

Also referred to as breed shows, a conformation show is a type of dog show where judges familiar with a particular breed of dog evaluate purebred, individual dogs for how well they conform to established individual breed standards.

In conformation classes now available at WoofBeach Palms, dog owners receive instruction on how to show practically any type of dog breed. In this informative class, you’ll learn how to effectively showcase your canine’s assets to perform in competitions. A conformation class prepares owners and their dogs for their first competitive experience.

To participate in conformation classes, your pup should know standard behaviors like walking while leashed at your left side. In addition, your dog should be comfortable while being around other dogs and people.

Stop in at WoofBeach Palms in Geneva, contact us online or call 630-389-9610 for more information.

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