Clicker Training Class

Clicker Training Class

WoofBeach Palms – Clicker Training Class – 716 West State Street – Geneva – Call 630-389-9610

Sign your dog up for clicker training at WoofBeach Palms! Clicker training is a type of positive- reinforcement canine training that will teach your pup good manners and useful obedience skills.
The clicker is a way of communicating the precise moment when your pet successfully completes a command. The timing of the clicking is important and is typically followed up with a reward for your dog.

The techniques involved in clicker training are based upon animal learning in which behaviors that result in a reward are more prone to repeat in the future. Instead of a focus on what a dog may do wrong,
clicker training centers on what the dog does correctly. Sounding the clicker is simply a way of marking the moment when your pups performs a command correctly. For example, if you command your dog to lie down, you would “click” when he or she does so.

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