Agility Classes

Agility Classes

WoofBeach Palms – Agility Classes – 716 West State Street – Geneva – Call 630-389-9610

Dog agility training classes at WoofBeach Palms provide a fun and healthy outlet for your pup. Particularly for dogs who have lots of drive and enjoy a challenge, agility training involves the pet parent directing their dog through various obstacles and jumps. In dog agility competitions, handlers navigate their dogs through courses as accurately and as fast as they can.

Agility training helps develop muscle, improve the dog’s coordination and strengthens joints. Another benefit is the training provides a release of mental energies too – your pup will be tired after a training session.

Grow Your Dog’s Self-Confidence with Dog Agility Training Classes at WoofBeach Palms!

Dog agility training with our experienced instructors can help your canine overcome fear of challenging situations, unfamiliar surfaces and confined spaces. He or she will soon learn to enjoy completing various tasks – and it’s a lot of fun for you too!

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